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The Great Selenelion

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Hi,I don't know if this is the right place to ask that question.Two clients encounter an error when adding a DX80 terminal using the AXL on his CUCM 12.5.The error is "Vendor Configuration is not in correct format for the specified product type".I di...

I am looking for an API that will provide System uptime, but I am not finding anything.  Any chance anyone has a way of doing this I am missing? I can get up times of individual services, and all sorts of good performance monitoring stats etc. but I ...

Hi All Looking for some guidance and help to sort out my problem. I have a cisco 881 with IOS 15.2 and a fibre static ip connection with a 20 Mbps connection. My problem is that all the bandwidth is taken for the download and so the upload speed is o...

help00004 by Level 1
  • 2 replies
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We use AXL API in our application to do 2 things:a) Retrieve the list of devices using the SOAP WSDL at /axl:8443b) Once the devices are retrieved, we send a set of SOAP requests to /realtimeservice/services/RisPort:8443 to get the IP addresses of re...

I'm attempting to update the line appearance for a device profile's line via AXL. Whenever I submit the query, all the line data reverts back to default data and/or clears all information... For instance, the display, ascii display, line text label, ...

jeremy11 by Level 1
  • 6 replies
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I am trying to return results from a query and the data is null.  I get the correct amount of rows for the data being returned, but the text data is null.  When I change the code to print the length of the data, it is always 0.  When I log into the C...

I'm in need of an application that allows facility techs (who do the bulk of the Phone Moves, adds, and changes) on a daily basis to verify that the phone is in the correct ERL, and correct VLAN. What I envision is a CCX application that pulls the CE...

Hi All,Im using Python 3.6.7 / Eclipse IDE / CUCM 10.5 AXLI am new to all of the above.I am attempting to write a script to use 'updatephone' to just change the device description of a phone.This is a learning step to help me become more fami...