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See below.  I would think that I need the route partition name to update a line but is not working for me.  I would appreciate any feedback.Thanks,DickThe following getLine XML works in 7.1 but in 9.1 it returns dirn not found error.<axl:getLine xmln...

HiSeems I found another issue - if I do a getUser for a given user and specify the return tags to only include userid, primaryExtension, imAndPresenceEnable and userIdentity, it works out as expected:Request:<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://sc...

HiMy unit testing discovered that I'm having discrepancies between the values I'm sending in my addPhone and subsequent response to getPhone. The following 4 tags are affectedconsecutiveRingSetting (on line)joinAcrossLinessingleButtonBargemissedCallL...

I am currently using AXL to add phones to Cisco's Unified Call Manager. We've recently upgraded from version 9 of the call manager to version 10.5.  I can still successfully add and remove new devices using AXL. However, if I attempt to remove a devi...

HiCould it be that these two properties are not being taken into account? If I set them as follows<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">  <soapenv:Header/>  <soapenv:B...