Network Security

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Forum Posts

Hi I have and issue with my 515 PIX configuration!I have a VPNGROUP with a ip pool for the clients conecctionsthe is range - and I create a new one with the range - and its configured with the same opti...

HiIam unable to take backup of VMS 2.2 (IDSMC) installed in Windows 2000 Advanced Server. On initiating a backup, it is observed that the backup completes immediately with a successful message. However, the backup folder is empty.I tried out the back...

synbank by Level 1
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Dear All,I am Network Admin. for an IT company, we have few numbers of PIX firewalls spreaded between our branches...Few days ago One of those PIX Firewalls "PIX 506E" stopped working properly... I tried to access it using Console interface but fail...

m.hossein by Level 1
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Hi, I am using the IP Logging feature and have saved the file and used Ethereal to view it. Every time I open the file in Ethereal I get a message about the file being corrupt. I will usually give me the first 5 or 6 packets and then is says that the...

I'm trying to upgrade the application image release from 3.3 to 3.4 and i get this failed upgrade ftp://admin@ the image...Password for admin@ ftp://admin@10.201...

Hi. I have two PIX 515E firewalls. Each has a connection to a router via the outside interface and on the inside to two Cat 6506's. The PIX's are connected via a failover cable and is stateful. I have an ISDN router on a DMZ on the primary PIX, which...

vsobrun by Level 1
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