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  Your Exclusive Ask me Anything webinar on the Migration of your Hyperconverged Solution has landed! Coordinated by our colleagues in the Insider Advocates team and to support customers here in the Cisco Community, Champions, and the Insider Advocat...

All, We have two Nexus 7K in a VPC domain with the following current configuration. Nexus #1 vPC role                          : primary, operational secondary also active in HSRP Nexus #2 vPC role                          : secondary, operational p...

Hi, I have some FEX 2348TQ-4BD and 2348UPQ-4BD, and I would like to connect their to Nexus 9332PQ and 9396PX. I saw on this topic https://supportforums.cisco.com/discussion/12634751/nexus-9300-qsfp-40g-interface-fex-2300-40g-fabric-interface-not-sup...

Hello. We have an N9508 as spines and trying to investigate issue with small drops of packets. I found a some increasing counters: N9K-1# show hardware internal fabric interface asic counters mod 22 | head lines 12Counters for Fabric Ports:----------...

I am getting following error with the crontab execution: com.compositesw.cdms.webapi.WebapiException: An internal error has occurred. Cause: ERROR: could not access status of transaction 3753084456   Detail: Could not open file "pg_clog/0DFB": No su...

I bought 2 SUP2Es; they are factory installed with Software  BIOS:      version 2.11.0  kickstart: version 6.2(2)  system:    version 6.2(2)  BIOS compile time:       01/09/2013  kickstart image file is: bootflash:///n7000-s2-kickstart-npe.6.2.2.bin ...

we have a pair of Nexus 5596UP with N5K-C5596UP-SUP and N55-M160L3 daughter card.  the arp table is limited to 8000 entries with this hardware combination.  we have dedicated vlan uses for Load Runner testing.  this vlan can take up to 4000 arp entri...