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Member since ‎02-28-2011

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Dear all I meet issue when upload new DLU on CUCM V7, the licenses count decrease instead of increasing, for example when i upload a DLU for 10 UNIT, I see thatt i lose 10 UNIT on licenses count. also ELM does not want to start, always starting or st...
Dear allI buy cisco ise with Plus license;My question: can i configure Inline posture or do i need another license for this feature?Best regards
HelloMy ATA 187 does not register on voicegateway on SRST mode, we get a busy tone.All other phone 6921 and 7942 register correctly.can you help max-conferences 2 gain -6 transfer-system full-consult timeouts interdigit 3...
HelloI have 2 CMEPSTN===>CME01===LAN==>CME02 please see attached file with dial-peer configproblem:ip phone 1299 can call 07733XXXXX (PSTN phone)ip phone 1484 can call 1299 but cannot dial 07733XXXXX(PSTN phone)please can you help
Dear allI have 2 Ironport (main and backup) Web ESA-C170-K9 and 100 ESA-ESI-LIC= that i will configurreI want to know if configuration replication is automatic; do i need to configure each applicance or is it possible to do all configuration in the m...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-28-2011 10:35 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-10-2021 04:04 PM
Posts 35
Total Helpful Votes Received 21
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