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Level 1
Member since ‎04-07-2015

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  • 84 Posts
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  • 290 Helpful votes Received
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PG is unable to establish relation with one of the CVP server. It is as if it connects to VRU and it drops the connection with a protocol error. has anyone else ran into a similar situation before. I have checked the config multiple times and nothing...
I am trying to break-down the calculation system used in the below report to get to the 76.74% service level. Can somebody help me with that.  
I have a requirement where I need to make the * same as the # key for DTMF data termination. i.e. the caller enters an account number where minimum length and maximum length are different, the caller enters the # or * key to inform the application th...
Hey Guys, I have a few call studio apps where we make a subdialog http call to an external vxml application. All works good in an ideal scenario. However, in odd-ball scenarios where caller hangs up mid way and didn't give the VXML app time to proces...
Hi Guys, in most cases we use the  "Set Call Type" node right before the queue to skill group node along with several other call types at diff intervals. I would like to pull all my call types references in scripts along with script name so I could u...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-07-2015 10:32 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-11-2023 07:13 PM
Posts 84
Total Helpful Votes Received 290