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Level 4
Member since ‎01-16-2005

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hi guyswhat is the diffrence between the retired cisco exam 642-531 and the new one 642-532thanks in advance
hi guyslet s imagine we have a central site with two or three vpn 3000 concentrator in parallel mode to achieve load balancing for remote connection such VPN client 3002 that happens correctly, my question why we can not achieve load balancing for o...
hi guysi ve read somewhere that when all options (NAT-T TCP UDP)are enabled for transporting IPSEC traffic especialy when dealing with PAT, the one that take precedence is the IPSEC/TCP,however when doing some assessements I find out that the answer ...
hi guysany idea about how could i access a VPN concentrator management GUI, without having any access to any VPN 3000 series.i mean , am looking for simulation software as the one made for SDM.thanks in advance.
hi guys when dealing with modular policy on an appliance especialy at the stage where we are trying to configure IPS [ ISP (inline/promiscuous..) (fail-open/fail-closed)] is a modular-hardware (IPS CARD)is required or the IOS/PIX can do the job alone...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-16-2005 11:14 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 334
Total Helpful Votes Received 146
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