Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎12-27-2004

User Statistics

  • 116 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 40 Helpful votes Given
  • 5 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

I was renewing the certificates for a CMS 2.5.2 three-server cluster, and I cannot get rid of one annoying error message.In only one of the nodes, the admin web page shows the error: “XMPP connection: failed to connect to <self ip> due to TCP Failure...
I have an issue when trying to pickup a call from within a call pickup group, when the phone pickup up the call is connected via Jabber Mobile on the cellular network, through Expressway to the cluster.The toast of the incoming call is shown on the J...
Where can I find information about the Phone Wipe feature, specially which phones are supported? I cannot find any official notes. I have already searched through Release Notes, Features Guides and Bulk Administratin guides, but got nothing. Thanks e...
Is there a specific log file in Webex Meeting Server that I can look into to troubleshoot the connection and the messages sent to the SMTP server? I downloaded several gigs of log and trace data, but I can´t find any references to SMTP, the mail serv...
I have a preexisting installation CUCM 10.5.2 that I am troubleshooting.  Jabber for Windows clients ask for Webex credentials for login, although the jabber-config.xml file exists and is configured to exclude Webex services. I have checked every pos...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-27-2004 07:12 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-23-2024 01:04 AM
Posts 116
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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