Can somebody explain :Frame relay CIRMinumum CIRBcBeTcI heard Tc is fixed 125 Ms now we can calculate Bc=Tc*CIRBut how to calculate Be=??is it CIR/8.
Can somebody explain :Frame relay CIRMinumum CIRBcBeTcI heard Tc is fixed 125 Ms now we can calculate Bc=Tc*CIRBut how to calculate Be=??is it CIR/8.
I can't see any published figures for 3DES IMIX and PIX-506E (or other PIXs). I have a few on 10mb links that only seem to achieve 6-7mb outgoing. Seems better incoming at around 9mb. The CPU runs at about 75% at around 7mb.Anyone seen similar limits...
Hi,I have been busy for days now trying to get the cisco VPN client to work. I administer a network with 8 pixes 7 501's and one 506E. They are al