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Forum Posts

Hi.I'd like to ask you people for your help.I want to decrease times for a failover in a BGP neighbor, so that if one conection fails, a vrf gets updated with the route through another next hop (neighbor) as fast as it can be updated. I think this co...

Resolved! PPPOE Session

Hi,I have a Cisco 7206 Bras Router,when the amount of pppoe request increase,The CPU of Router increases too,How can I stop Establishing pppoe session when Its going to Hang!!

Hi.I am trying to apply acl:s to vty on a ASR9k router.I am doing the following, and this works...! IOS-XR !------- ipv4 access-list VTY-ACL 10 permit ipv4 any 20 deny   ipv4 any any log ! ipv6 access-list VTY-ACL 10 permit ipv6...

Hi guys,given the following thread and relative official documentation:https://supportforums.cisco.com/discussion/11298231/ask-expertupgrading-crs1-system-crs3since the activity would cause several outage hours, I would like to be sure about the corr...

ctaccori by Level 1
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Hi Guys,     I wanna upgrade an ASR 9010 from IOS-XR 4.1 to IOS-XR 4.2 and I don't know how to determine if the actual image is     ASR9K-iosxr-p-4.1.0.tar or ASR9K-iosxr-p-k9-4.1.0.tar.     What's the better way to find if the image used in a previo...

lomonaco by Level 1
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Welcome to the Cisco Support Community Ask the Expert conversation.  Learn and ask questions about IOS-XR Fundamentals and Architecture.November 18, 2014 through November 28, 2014.Cisco IOS XR Software is a modular and fully distributed network opera...

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