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Hello every one, I have a big issue with drops on some interfaces in swithes C9200 L. Can someone help me with this please? AMS-MX-CL-CPA1-MDF1-SW03#show interfaces gigabitEthernet 1/0/22GigabitEthernet1/0/22 is up, line protocol is up (connected)Har...
We have upgraded a few switches already without issue but we have above issue on two switches lately where the POE Gig ports where the camera is drawing power and data became down and no power is detected even after defaulting the port. When the came...
What is everyone's best practice for switch stack uplinks?If there's a stack containing 8 switches and we can fit 8 uplinks in a port channel, should there be an uplink from each switch in the stack? Or 2 uplinks (master + standby), 2 Uplinks (membe...
Hello, We have 2 x ASA-5555 configured in an HA. A former engineer purchased a quantify of two of this SKU CON-ECMU-ACPL100 -- this is the licenses for the Anyconnect client VPN. I wanted to find out if that means that we have 100 seats which are t...
Hi,I have two 9300-24UX and on both I have the same problem. Both are factory-resetted and started in ROMMON. Then I booted the switch with boot usbflash0:<filename>.bin from my USB Stick. After they started, I will install and activate the IOS: inst...
Hi Guys,I've lunched the XRd Sandbox which include multiple XRd devices as a docker containers .. I'm not able to form BGP neighborship, I assume the TCP port 179 is not open ..Do anyone faced the same issue and how to solve it ?Noting that I don't h...
I have a 9200L-48P-4X switch stacked with a 9200L-48P-10G. When attempting to update to version 17.09.05, I encounter a "low disk" error on the 1G switch, while the 10G switch does not have this issue. The update image copies to the switch, but when ...
I've been running into issues regarding ISSU upgrades using DNAC on the 9400/9500 series switches. For some context, I've been using DNAC for bulk switch upgrades and for the most part, all has been well. However, whenever it comes time to use the IS...
Hello, is there a migration guide for 2.11? I have found references to it but cannot locate the actual document. We are on 2.10 still and I would like to get us upgraded to 2.11.Thank you
I have multiple CBS350 switches on our site and after installing some new security software, I became aware that multicast traffic seems to be traversing between VLANs. I initially saw this on one of my sites that's using older SG200 switches so I th...
Hello AllI have a cisco 3850 switch used for Distribute Layer.All Vlan and interface vlan are defined in this switch. Involved:vlan 80 name PC-vlanvlan 81 name IP-Phone vlaninterface vlan 80ip addr x.x.x.x x.x.x.xip helper address x.x.x.xIn layer 2: ...
Man, there has to be another solution other than upgrading to iOS 17.12.3 .. We can't use that IOS because we still have 900 2702's on our controllers. We have 1500 9130's and 2800 3802's.I really wish Cisco would escalate this issue and get a patch...
Posting this here as an FYI: symptom we've seen is clients unable to connect to a specific AP, so they connect to faraway APs instead, or their connection drops when they attempt to roam to ...
The goal i want to achieve here based on from the diagram below:i want user1 - 192.168.20.x to pass FG-FW01 want user 2 -192.168.50.x to pass FG-FW02 the routing is going to FG-FW01 with static ip route 0.0...
Hello,My organization currently does not have a Delegated Admin and as a Customer Admin I cannot add more users to the SNTC Portal dashboard. I don't have access to the Cisco Services Access Management Tool. Please advise.