on 01-24-2014 03:19 PM
1) Make sure you are using CUIC 8.5(3). Any version earlier than this won't work.
Thanks, this worked.
However, if I want to pull a agent specific report, i.e., requirement is to show agent historical report for the logged-in agent, how do we set the filter automatically for the logged-in agent and pull the report directly in the gadget.
In CUIC guide, it says that you can use permalink with parameters to past agent-id but it requires CUIC login.
We wan't to avoid multiple logins for users as they have already logged-in to finesse and its not acceptable to login again in CUIC gadget.
This requirement is because of the Agent and queue statistics provided in the old client (CTIOS client) out of the box.
Hey, did you ever find a method to achieve this? I am dealing with the same thing right now, but I am not even to the point of being asked to login again, I still need to find out how/where I can set the report to filter based on the current login ID.
We were not able to achieve our requirement using CUIC permalink.
We are in the process of creating a custom gadget to pull agent data from ICM DB using a webSVC application.
But again its not completely real time like CTIOS. The data is available in the interval tables with a 30-60 minute refresh interval only.
Does anybody get this CUIC gadget to work with 10.5(1)? I got this error below?
This works in CCX 10.61/Finesse 10.5 but the Permalink does not refresh at 15 minutes like it is suppose to. Customer is using FF 39. it only ever refreshes if the user does a browser level refresh.
Did you get a solution to the status 403 error?
Turns out historical reports officially refresh at 30 minutes.
The XML work but the CUIC report does not load when you put it in a TAB.
You have to press F5 on IE to refresh, otherwise you just get a blank screen as per below:
When you click on the Finesse TAB which contains the Permalink you get:
When you press F5 you get:
I believe there is an easy fix for this.. I am investigating, but if you know the answer let us know!
Looks like the above issue only occurs when IE runs in Compatability mode.
This is an old forum post. I would suggest trying the CUIC sample gadget here: https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/finesse-sample-code/tree/master/CUICSampleGadget
i get below error
There were issues rendering this gadget.
org.apache.shindig.common.xml.XmlException: The reference to entity "linkType" must end with the ';' delimiter. At: (5,135)
though i have replaced & with &
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
title="My CUIC Gadget" height="300">
<Content type="url" href="" />
ok i got it to work, i missed one of the &s
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