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Cisco CyberSecurity


Forum Posts

I am having issues regarding licensing of my SourceFire sensors, it appears the legacy site using the is no longer active and I am getting the following error when trying to obtain the license through the Cisco Produc...

I have a 4270-20 (7.1(7)E4) monitoring a network that is required to use the DISA STIGs for certain security settings. there is a requirement (STIG ID NET0965) that requires the following:The network device must be configured with a maximum wait time...

hi all,i'm going to upgrade a new ASA5525-X and wanted to know what's the 'best' image to i upload the 'suggested' image such as 9.2.24 or 'latest' such as 9.1.5?see below from download area:Suggested9.2.2.4.SMP 9.1.5.SMP.ED 9.0.4.S...

hi all,i tried to poll one of our ASA to our RANCID server but it seems not seems only cisco routers, switches and APs are being polled.has anyone tried RANCID to backup the config on an ASA? 

hi all,just a quick question, what's the best practice in assigning IP address on ASA's management interface? or does it have a benefit of using one?we have a /28 public IP and was thinking i could use one on it so that we could HTTPS over the intern...

I had a connection to a business partner. We were working with TAC on a recent firewall implementation.The tech advised us to change a couple of settings as follows:  tcp-map  queue-limit policy-map global_policy class BusinessPartner_1  set connecti...

I have a ASA 5515X running 8.6 code On my internal network, I have a couple subnets that connect through the ASA to the Internet. I also have  DMZ with some servers on it that are reachable from the Internet. These internal subnets are off different ...

Resolved! Downgrade error

Hi all, We did a downgrade from 8.4 to 8.2, but after we save the configuration and we realod the asa, we go back to the 8.4 version and we get this error. INFO: MIGRATION - Saving the startup configuration to fileINFO: MIGRATION - Startup configurat...

Hello, What is difference in-between  netflow on IOS and ASA ? Also I want to know does the Next-Generation ASA, and ASA with FirePower  support pure Netflow features as IOS ?or they still use old NSEL feature?  Thanks,

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