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Hello Everybody,My problem is thatI can't do that if packets with specified sourceIP=for example: destinationport=80come in to an interface than be transformed toa packet that:specified sourceIP=fo...

s.matyas by Level 1
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Hello,I would like to become better at configuring frame-relay on cisco routers, however I have no frame-relay wan connection to use.. I was wondering if it is possible to simulate frame-relay from one router, and then configure it on the other.. kin...

mhostbaek by Level 1
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Hi!I have a catalyst 6509 SUP2/MSFC2 and I want to upgrade it to support IPv6. If I'm not wrong I need the IOS 12.2(14)SX2 am I? But I'm not sure if I hae to change the module SUP2 by SUP720. I found contradictorial information in the web and I woul...

caco by Level 1
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I have a question on VTP pruning. If I have VLANs 1-15 in my VTP domain. Then I setup a trunk between two 6500 switches with the following commands.clear trunk 1/1 2-4094set trunk 1/1 des dot1q 1,2,3Now, on both 6500 switches I have ports active in V...

c.cornett by Level 1
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I have a branch office with 1721 router ( and a central office with 2611XM router ( Also I have another 2611XM router ( on the central office. I implemented VPN between VPN clients and the central office and als...

I'm trying to set up a lab for CCNP study with 4 2501 routers, all running IOS 12.0 I can get the isis process running with the <router isis> command, but I can't enable it on any of the interfaces with the <ip router isis> (it doesn't show as an op...

i have one 3740 router,local authentication,but when i dial,the profile display "no answer",and dial again display "it's busy",and use the command "show modem log 4/0" display follow:00:01:48.372 RS232: CTS DSR noDCD noRI* noRxBREAK TxBREAK00:01:...

my configuration: software c2600-ik9o3s-mz.122-8.T5.BIN hareware 2611xm+ wic-1adsl i sure my configuration no problem,but when i debug vpdn pppoe-events show " ....OUT PADR from PPPoE tunnel ,PPPOE : Resending PADR..." nerver show "IN PADS from PPPoE...

h-deng by Level 1
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I have a 2507 router with 2 serial, 1 con, 1 aux and 16 ethernet hub ports. Which port should I use to set up an ethernet 0 interface and what command allows me to do so. It seems that I may have to use one of the ether hub ports as the actual ethern...

Yami by Level 1
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we are in the process of switching the ethernet address of the AS5300 router from a 172 address to a 10 address. Presently our IP pool and ethernet address are in the same numbering scheme. My question is can we have a ethernet address for the rout...

lofsfaith by Level 1
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I am upgrading a Cisco MC3810 router. I had a very hard time finding out what was needed to upgrade this discontinued router. Finally told by Cisco sales support to buy the BOOT-381V-64D kit to upgrade the boot ROM and DRAM and the 32MB flash upgrade...

lalsingh by Level 1
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