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Hello, when I try to save the running configuration, I get this error:Router#wr memBuilding configuration...% Error saving SNMP ifIndexes No space left on device[OK]Router#Router's SNMP configuration is as follows:Router#sh run | i snmpsnmp-server co...

Hi Expert,If I have two routers connected using Frame-Relay..R1---42(DLCI)--(Frame-Relay)---42(DLCI)--R2Can be the two routers have the same DLCI numbers for their's PVC.Regards,Ibrahim Alwahidi

Hello, I had a question regarding a PIX 506e firewall and a Catalyst 2960 switch and setting up internet access. Everything worked fine before I decided to subnet the internal network, I had it set up so the internet can be used and RDP can be passed...

I have a point to point t-1 that is currently working for traffic betweeen and (remote site)I now neet to also route traffic from site) and The physical connection to this subnet is there an...

I have a 1821 SDM. I recently changed ISP's and tried to reconfigure the router with my new set of IP's. No when ever I reboot the router, it resets back to the old config. I have tried everything I know. Anyone have any ideas?

I am trying to configure my 871 to work with a netopia DSL router I have tried to setup the cisco with the static ip provided by bellsouth with gateway and subnet I have also tried to configure the 871 with the pppoe username password and chap/pap pr...

I have a Cisco 1841 at a remote office. Can't communicate with it. Called the service provider. I asked a non-technical person to do the "Show Interfaces" command and found the serial is up but protocol is down. What is the next step to try when we a...

Hi,I need to implement an access-list 1 to allow ftp access to a client machine 2 block all incoming and outgoing traffic to and from the LANfor example ip of vlan 1 needs to have access to ip of vlan 2. Block all other traffic...

the sh log gives me certail BADSHARE errors.. can anyone help me interpert them ??attached is the output logISP says the router is broke..what caused these errors and what do they say exactly..

a.shaukat by Level 1
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