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my cisco 6524 dhcp is just silent. its not issuing IP Addresses at first it was starting in rommon then i ended up ressetting it and now after loading configurations the dhcp is not working my configurations Building configuration... Current configu...

mwabvuf01 by Level 1
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I have Cisco ISR C2901(ISO Ver. c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.154-3.M2) My ISR haven't some QoS command(queue-list , priority-list, etc... ). My router is C2901/vseck9. I have ipbase, securityk9 and uck9 license. I get this error "% Invalid input detect...

dears anyone has an idea about the meaning of this error message? we are getting it every 3 min %SYSMGR-FEX106-3-CORE_OP_FAILED: Core operation failed: send_msg_to_ccdmon: Could not send to CORE_DMON return -1 errno 32

ohassairi by Level 5
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Hi Guys,I have a small question regarding IP CEF with PBR on IOS (7200 Software (C7200-P-M), Version 12.2(15)T17, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)) GNS3.When I enable IP CEF on global mode, my PBR not work anymore till i disable IP CEF on global mode, then my ...

chhayheng by Level 1
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Hi, I got a SF300-24PP switch, and I was wondering, is it possible to schedule to have a port disabled, and re-enabled? Like, have it enabled from 8:00AM to 5:00PM. If so how would I go about doing this? This would be much more convenient then having...

PaulXb123 by Level 1
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Cisco article said that EtherChannel can support up to maximum 8 physical llinks and 128 etherchannels. So what happen if I add the number 9th link into channel group 1? how to achieve 128 etherchannels( only can be done in stackable switches)?

Hi, Please see the diagram.  e1/1 in R5 is only one vrf interface in the diagram. As we know, R5 can ping R1 and R1 can also ping R4 after two interface e1/1 and e1/3 in R5 are setup as same vrf interface and routing.  My question is if e1/1 in R5 is...

wfqk by Level 5
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Hi ,  I want to enable the ICMP -Jitter in Cisco ASR903 .. Any one can advice me how can do this .. Cuz i can't found it in this platform although in the document saying  this platform support this command .. Thanks in advance 

Hi I have 2 x Nexus 7010 switching each with a M1 and a F2 modules with Dual SUP2 Supervisors. What would be a good design option? Would I use the F2 only at L2 and terminate the FEX's with all L3 happening on the M1? (HSRP etc) From what I have read...

Hi Support Community We have an issue with one of our layer 2 switch stacks and we are not quite sure what is going on. The switch stack is layer 2 only and confirmed that no ip routing is enabled however when we do a show ip route we see the entries...

i was asked to upgrade our c3560 switches , i went over and i found several versions of C3560 , i did a show version and i concluded i have model WS-C3560G-48PS correct? i also checked the driver page and i found the latest to be 15.0.2-SE9 while the...

baselzind by Level 6
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Hi everyone - currently got a 3650 switch that is failing to upgrade to code cat3k_caa-universalk9.SPA.03.06.03.E.152-2.E3.bin.  once copyied to flash: and added the boot system command (boot system switch all flash:cat3k_caa-universalk9.SPA.03.06.03...

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