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I have two 2960 Stacks Stack # 1 is a PoE stack with two WS-C2960S-48FPD-L with TenGig uplinks running c2960s-universalk9-mz.152-1.E.bin.Stack #2 is Non PoE stack with three WS-C2960S-48TS-L running c2960s-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE2.bin.I need to add a...

Mike Mott by Level 1
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Hi,I cannot find a way to separate vlan between each other.See my attachment first.The rooter got 1 nic and 4 switch port..vlan are attached to the switched port on the rooter.I want vlan 1 and 40 get access to Internet (my Wan pc)I don t want VLAN 1...

t80243280 by Level 1
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Hello,the 4500X-16 supports channel-group numbering from 1-64, the 4500X-32 supports channel-group numbering from 1-256.is there a hidden command to get the 4500X-16 to the numbering scheme 1-256 ?my customer needs this because of "cosmetic" issues, ...

swelsch by Level 1
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So I am looking for thoughts on the following implementation.I have three sets of Nexus5ks (PODS) that I want to setup the peer-keepalive links for.For each POD I have configured the mgmt0 ports and connected to a L2 switch.   This L2 switch is being...

c.fuller by Level 1
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Hi All,I wanna learn a bit more about layer2 Broadcast & Multicast frames that a switch might receive. And how the switch process those frames.Is there any link or doc which can explain more about layer2 unicast, broadcast & multicast.Thanks a lot in...

Hello,Can someone help me with a  power supply problem...?Switch cisco WS-C3750-24P is showing "Unavail" from sh env allSwitch3750#sh env allFAN is OKTEMPERATURE is OKSW  PID                 Serial#     Status           Sys Pwr  PoE Pwr  Watts--  ---...

Hello,    I used the Cisco Configuration Professional tool to set up VPN on my Cisco 881 router, and am able to connect using the Cisco VPN client applicaiton.   However, when the tunnel is established I lose the ability to access the WAN and I am no...

Hi,  i have cisco 3750x switch, the below configuration has been done. i would like to ping switch to local host( 192.168.4.X) but it not happen,but host can ping to switch. pl let me which command or configuration need to be done?interface GigabitEt...

Hi,I want to know what are the deciding factors for choosing between a 64Mb switch and a 128Mb switch ?Is there any documnet supporting this ? how to determine which switch will cater which architectureThanks

aryarahul by Level 1
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