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Member since ‎11-30-2000

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Hi, im looking for a recommendation for antennas for a pair of 1602e aps bridging outdoor with 500 ft between them. thanks
Does the power supplies in WS-3850 switches need to be identical? ie 715watt, or 1100 watt, when you add a second ps in bay 2? Regards,TR
I currently have 5596s which were ordered with the L3 module, which takes up one of the 3 open slots, my question is if I remove the L3 module, to add additional ports and fully populate the switch with 96 UP, do i need to add the L2 card ? or is the...
Easy question, how do you see the serial number for ACS for windows? is there a command line, is it just the pak # licenses ? Thanks.
Has anyone configured MRTG to monitor and trend the channel usage for a mgcp gateway with PRI's? The PRIs are backhauled to CCM.
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Member Since ‎11-30-2000 08:22 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 156
Total Helpful Votes Received 64
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