Eric Krieger
Level 1
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Member since ‎02-07-2003

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I would like to know if anyone encountered this issue before: On a CUCM Cluster (version every node shows (only) entries in the System Logs like this: Mmm dd hh:mm:ss                <CUCM-SERVERNAME>        Error      ccm       : myF...
I am wondering if someone knows why we see SkillGroupNumbers with a dot/decimal in it, like 19391.0 (see also included screenshot)?Is this normal; how/where can we change it, if possible?This is a UCCE 7.5 system with CTIOS Toolkit Agent/Supervisor D...
I'm looking for the possibility to use TAPS with the standard English prompts *and* another language (Dutch Locale in this case).I've installed the Dutch locale file on CUCM, but how do I get the Dutch (TAPS) prompts on the UCCX system?In the Install...
On a CUCM 6.1(1) system we have set an Credential Policy with a "Minimum Credential Length" of 4.Creating users manually, this minimum works fine.When importing users with BAT we are unable to insert PIN and Password besides 5-127 characters.Does som...
After installing IPCC Express Std (bundle) co-residently with a CallManager 4.1(2)sr1 on a 7845 system (WinOS 4.4sr3) i miss the Desktop software directory (and share), and not able to install the Agent or Supervisor software.The installation seems t...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-07-2003 02:04 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-14-2019 10:48 AM
Posts 101
Total Helpful Votes Received 45
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