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Level 5
Member since ‎02-16-2011

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Is there is a way to stop people from taking over screen or at least prompt the host if someone wants to take over the screen via proximity ?  
Im running UCCX 11.5 I have a Post Call Survey Up and running. I would like to get the Agent ID that sent the call to the Post Call survey so I can stuff it in a variable and add that information to my report, I can't seem to get the Agent ID only th...
I'm looking for a central way to manage days of week and time day in a xml document for certain scripts. I have a group that will change out their hours around holidays on a regular basis and I find myself going into multiple scripts and adjusting th...
we are trying to gather the expected wait time for a CSQ directly from the CCX database to announce back to a 3rd party app. what are the database tables I need to gather to do that ? I have the database schema document but I'm not sure what tables t...
Is there a way to see what user is using the most cpu for CUIC_Reporting in CCX 10.6. I keep getting high CPU alerts for cuic, I would like to see what user is running the report that is triggering the alert. I would assume its a user that is running...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-16-2011 04:59 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-28-2020 02:10 PM
Posts 47
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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