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Member since ‎05-08-2008

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Hi, so back in older versions of cucilync we had some users configured to use it for RCC only. When jabber went free for all we were told using cucilync for RCC didn't need a licence. Using version 9.2.3 the user can log in but it cant control the ph...
Hi, Im looking for some advice if that's ok. On a medium/high ive been involved with CUCM for some time and certainly all the historical deployments we have done in our company have either been CUCM or CUCME. We have a plan to move to continent base...
Hi,Ive done a bit of digging on here and i think the answer is no but is there any easy, native way to track license usage? I just had a thought of maybe that an alert could be set so if the Max license usage is triggered its alerted in RTMT. That wa...
Hi,So ive integrated the script I have into an SQL db for automated ordering. It's been working for a while. The caller enters their customer ID 8-10 digits followed by a #. They are then asked to verify the information when the input is played back ...
Hi,Very basic question here.What does everyone do on supporting multiple instances of RTMT? I have CUCM, UCCX and Unity CTN with all different versions. For me the simplest way is to have Virtualbox on my win7 PC with some lightweight installs of lin...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-08-2008 12:12 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 131
Total Helpful Votes Received 12
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