Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎08-27-2006

User Statistics

  • 181 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 45 Helpful votes Given
  • 31 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hello,We are using UCCX 11.5, and we have 1 user assigned as supervisor of several teams. But in her Finesse, she can only see data of 1 team in Team Summary Report (while she can still see different teams in Team Performance)How can we let the super...
Hello,We have CUCM cluster which uses LDAP Authentication for end users (AD in our environment), and we have LDAP sync once a day at midnight. I always thought that end users are always authenticated against LDAP for every log in they make (for examp...
Hello,We have a CME 10.5 (Cisco 2921, IOS 15.4(3)M6a), and couple of VG204. As we could not register more phone to the CME, we configured the VG204 with dial-peers for call routing. Inbound, outbound calls are fine except the caller ID:For calls from...
Unity Connection - "User Must Change at Next Sign-In" keep being checkedHello,We have a CUCM and Unity Connection, PIN sync is enabled. In both CUCM and CUC, we use Authentication policy that has "Credential Expires After" set to "Nev...
Hello, Is there any difference in term of performance between 2xPVDM3-64 and 1xPVDM-128? (I normally selected 2 RAM sticks for my PC instead of 1 (i.e 2x8 is more preferred than 1x16), but not sure if the same theory applies to PVDM) Thanks, hoanghie...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-27-2006 07:20 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-08-2021 05:39 AM
Posts 181
Total Helpful Votes Received 31