Christian Semmler
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎06-23-2011

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  • 110 Posts
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  • 62 Helpful votes Given
  • 76 Helpful votes Received
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50 Discussion Posts

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Hello, I got a new 819, but I'm unable to activate GPS the way it's described in the documentation.  Router(config-if)# do sh invNAME: "C819GW-LTE-GA-EK9", DESCR: "C819GW-LTE-GA-EK9 chassis, Hw Serial#:, Hw Revision: 6.0"PID: C819GW-LTE-GA-EK9 ,...
Hello, I tried to control the TV from a SX10 via HDMI CEC but the TV(Toshiba 42XV635D) doesn't recognize the SX10 as a CEC device. The TV ist ok for CEC, I tested it with a DVD Player which is working. Is there a list of supported devices or manufact...
Hello,is there already a roadmap to introduce Jabber 9.5(update of the Jabber IM App) for Android with the same functions like IOS got in October?- Please rate helpful posts -
Hello,I'm not able to transfer a call from a SIP phone to another phone.For testing I use the Eyebeam Client, but I recognized the problem with other SIP devices too(SPAxxx).I set up a light configuration in the lab with two SCCP phones and one SIP ...
Hello,I'm having a issue with call transfer on a SPA302.If I start two calls from the phone and want to transfer/connect both calls with each other everything works fine. But if I receive a call on the SPA302 and want to transfer this received call ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-23-2011 07:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-28-2020 05:18 AM
Posts 110
Total Helpful Votes Received 76