Hi Guys,We have a client with an SPA900, SPA400 and 4x SPA942s. They signed up for a new SIP service through Nexvortex. All outbound calls work great, but an inbound call to either of their DIDs fails. The DIDs have been provisioned and I can see cal...
Very cool that CCA 3.1 is now alowing customization of the phones backgrounds. The old method of modifying the XML file and TFTPing was a mess. When I try to uplaod the files though CCA however I get an error that 'the selected image format is not...
Hi, I have a customer has a UC560, for some reason the unit lost part of its VPN and SSL VPN configuration. The CCA does not want to go into SSL configuration - it keep asking to delete some of the configurations, and the VPN (IPSec part) is always g...
Many of us use the CALL HISTORY | RECEIVED CALLS or MISSED CALLS feature built into the SPA525G2 phone. In its default configuration, in order to return a call, each user has to go through he time consuming and unnecessary process of pressing EDIT DI...
Hello,We have a UC560. Our users want to know if it's possible not show the text "Forwarded to" when a call arrive forwarded from other extension.Is it possible?Thank you so much.Cheers!!!--Alberto
I have owned a UC520 since CCA 2.1 and each time you factroy default the unit and re-enter the generic SIP providor the incomming SIP calls are rejected with 500 Internal error. Each time the fix was to remove a Voice Source Group Access list. TA...
I am having numerous problems with my SPA-8800. I am using the SPA-8800 as an FXO gateway for 4 verizon fios analog trunks into a PBX In A Flash (Asterisk 1.4) system. I am not using any of the FXS ports. The FXO ports are used for all inbound and ...
Hi All,Apologies if this has been asked/answered as after a brief search I couldn't find anything immediately conclusive (in regards to a solution anyway).I'm looking to setup a UC560 unit for a client but noticed the Local DN limit is 250 - they cur...
Helping a partner with CCA 3.1 SWP 8.1.0So everyone is probably aware that each Cisco IP Phone model display screen size is a little different, and if you want to customize the Setting: User Preferences:Background Images (from the phone)...the this r...
Hi all...I just purchased a SPA525G2 and I am trying to pair it with my Blackberry. It pairs successfully, but after it completes the phone either freezes or will not accept incoming calls. In the latter scenario, when I unpair it incoming calls are ...
Hi There,I have been looking at the UC320 and how our organisation would go about generating an easy provisioing file that can be handed to customers UC320 maintainers for quick setup.I am able to get to the XML configuration by using the same method...
Hello,I have just installed a UC320W with a mediatrix 4404 and a single analogue line in to a site. The client has a number of Analogue needs, e.g. fax, card payment machines and a franking machine. They have advertised the single Analogue number a...
I seem to be having an issue that my intersite calling audio both recieving and sending has stopped working after the 8.2.0 upgrade - has anyone else had this issue?I tested it both going from an 8.2.0 site to a 8.1.0 then proceeded to upgrade to 8.2...
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