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Cisco CyberSecurity


Forum Posts

hello,i have a problem whit mi easy vpn client is down every 10 seconds an appear this this message in debug:*Mar 11 08:50:33.557: ISAKMP:(3005):purging node -1308217119*Mar 11 08:50:41.345: ISAKMP:(3004):purging SA., sa=83A4B344, delme=83A4B344regar...

Acruzgreg by Level 1
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hi all,i configured asa 5505 with remote vpn clientand i used these vpn client to connect avaya vpn hard phones and i connected 4 phones using same username and passwordif i connect 5th phone it is not connecting and if i try to connect cisco vpn cli...

zeuscyril by Level 4
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This is probably not the right forum for this question, but I'm going to give it a shot.  I've searched around a bit and haven't been able to find a good answer. I've noticed when first trying to use the Terminal Server function of the SSL VPN via yo...

Cisco router to ASA. Interesting traffic from router will not bring up tunnel. Packet tracker from ASA will bring up tunnel. Basic Phase 1 and Phase 2 configurations match. Router needs to be the side that brings up tunnel. Here is syslog from ASA wh...

All,I use cisco ASA 5500 vpn device, and i need a specific configuration where my vpn clients (clientless vpn) would authenticate in a external radius server.My problem is that i need to make different bookmarks for different users, so how can i do t...

We switched our ISP from to in the attached config, now for some reason, our clients connect and authenticate via radius without any problem but the VPN client logs show "remote peer is no longer responding"  after a few DPD attempts....

rbdrake22 by Level 1
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AllI have an Cisco 871 at a remote site and at the head end I have a Checkpoint Firewall; I can get the tunnel to come up and everything seems to work okay except for Outlook to Exchange server and File Mappings basically anything using AD Authentica...

verbbbie2 by Level 1
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Hi ,Can someone please help me to identify the causes of this. I successfully configured VPN tunnel, but I am not able to browse internet from LAN. I am using cisco 877 router. ACL 105 controls the VPN traffic. But as per theory other traffic should ...

I am having trouble connecting two RV042 together using a gateway to gateway connection.I have two static IPs, one at each location.I am for sure I have each connection configured properly.  But just in case here is how I have it configured.On Router...

Hey everyone,Building a IOS based VPN setup for work but I cant seem to pass traffic through the connection.The idea is for a dynamically addressed users to obtain secure remote access to services.I have one laptop connected to each fe port for testi...

So, I have 2 different companies they will use AnyConnect on the same box. Then in these 2 companies, I have some users that need to use RSA Tokens. So essentially I have 4 groups of users. I have no problem with having all 4 groups use the same URL....

jickfoo by Level 1
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