Hello! This sticky-post will serve as a sign-post for incoming community members. Below you will find links to pages that you may find helpful. Virtual Assistant- Discover support content and options for your gearSupport page index - Contains a ...
Hello! This sticky-post will serve as a sign-post for incoming community members. Below you will find links to pages that you may find helpful. Virtual Assistant- Discover support content and options for your gearSupport page index - Contains a ...
I have a UC520 in a building with several IP phones. We installed a WLC526 and two AP521's for seamless roaming of cordless phones. THe phones work great with no issues. When I am running a ping test on a wireless laptop, i keep loosing packets. ...
Hi GuysI am at my wits end here with my wireless implementation and hoping somebody can help.I have 8 WRVS4400N Wireless-N routers set up on different channels using the same SSID and WPA2 enterprise authentication for roaming. Everything seems to co...
HiI need to count traffic used by each device connected to the access point.The manual says: In addition to the standard event log, the access point can send adetailed log to an external Syslog server. The access point’s Syslogcaptures all log activi...
At a local library I have a Cisco/Linksys RVS4000 router doing all the DHCP assignment. Attached to it are 2 WAP200 wireless access points at opposite ends of the building. The WAPs provide all the public internet access. All staff...
Hi guys I have WAP4410N access point and I need to use it as a wireless repeater mode ... it uses WDS ..so what is the supported model of modem routers that can allow WAP4410N to repeat its signal
I have a WAP4410N access Point, firmware I have configured a Kiwi syslog server to get the log from the WAP4410N, but the log information obtained is just the "standard event log" and not the detailed log (every connection source and destina...
As I posted about in the other AP541N thread about degraded performance, mine did a strange client disconnect last week. It dropped all authenticated clients, but they all thought they were still connected. A quick disable/enable of the wireless card...
Hello Support Experts,We have a Cisco RV220 Wireless Network Security Firewall. Currently it's configured to provide access only to select users. I was asked configure it to provide access to users from hot spots or home networks. The thought is t...
Hi , I got cisco WAP4410N access point to use it as a repeater , I set the same authentication, encryption and channel , then i went to Repeater mode with site survey and choose my router's SSID and mac address .... the signal is not repeated .. an...
I bought a Cisco WAP121 and a Cisco AIR-PWRINJ3 so I could use the PoE from the AIR-PWRINJ3 to power the WAP121. Unfortunately the setup is not working, the WAP121 shows no sign of getting power even though the AIR-PWRINJ3 indicates it has power. I...
Hi all,with help of great people in this forum I understand that seamless wireless roaming with multiple APs is not posssible without a wireless lan controller.That's overkill for me, hence the following question: what is the highest signal strength ...
Hi, I was wondering whether someone can quickly answer my question? I'm trying to use my WAP4410N to create a wireless bridge to an existing network which doesn't contain any Cisco kit. Having read through the manual I've tried the Wireless WDS bri...
Hello,I have problems with a newly installed AP541N wireless network, seems that I'm not the only one, but the threads I have been looking at doesn't seem to have exctly the same problemClients:Windows XP, Windows 7 and Apple OSX client computers. (i...
Hi,unexpectedly yesterday, none was able to connect on an AP541 (Fw 2.0.1), so the customer has made a hardware reboot by unplugging the network cable (PoE device) but all attempts to access were still logged in the syslog as "deauthed from BSSID xx:...
When I have save a picture to my WVC210 to a Woindows 7 pc, I have to disable the UAL to actually save it. I have version 1.1.1 firmware on the WVC210. Is there some way to get around disabling Windows 7 security?
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