Call Control

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Hi all,   Simple question really.  In the JTAPI docs it says... Provider.getTerminals()This method returns an array of terminals that are created for the devices that are administered in the usercontrol list in the directory. Refer to the Cisco Unifi...

tleask by Cisco Employee
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Hello,My script, after all choices and decisions, transfers the call to an huntgroup with two members on it with a timeout of 30sI´d like to play a message after 25s of no answer and I´m using the "set callInfo(alertTime) 25" .I was expecting to rece...

Robert H. by Level 1
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I'm wondering, when a CUCM goes down, calls are retained, right? Are there any message sequences that show what to look for? And what elements would change? I'd assume the globalCallId is retained. Bug, getCallmanagerId would return a different Id. A...

I have to make one of my applications HA capable. So, in order not to lose anything when an instance goes down, I use shared data structures and keep my CTI RPs and Ports monitored by two applications. That works fine, both instances get the calls. H...