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Hello everyone, this time I have an issue with LMS Prime.Time ago, the LMS Prime was configured with an IP address for SMTP server (; then, server managers changed the IP (new IP is As you can imagine, I changed the...

Hi guys,I am looking at a task of defining the port usage of a Prime LMS 4.2 installation, and I found the URL here: page contains a...

mbilgrav by Level 3
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Hi all,I config the ipsla jitter to monitor the voip traffic between german and hk. However I get the following statistic that the SD and DS are unbalance. Could anyone know what the issue is ?Thanks Leung Che Man                  

cm6043 by Level 1
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Hi,I am running a 1921 with c1900-universalk9-mz.SPA.151-4.M4.I have set up my ip sla for icmp-echo which is working well.  What doesnt seem to work is binding a track to ip sla.  Normally this would be acheived by the commandtrack 1 rtr 1 reachabili...

nickjryce by Level 1
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I want to be able to run this script regularly and only update the logs if there has been a change. To do this I have used the context save and retrieve commands to store and retreve the variables.When I run this script it causes my router to reload....

Hi We have been running the CPI and are upgrading to 1.4.The old server is still accessible if i turn it on.The new server is up and running and is fully accessible, both through SSH and HTTPS.I did a point patch on the old server with PI_1_...

jaa by Level 1
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                   Hello I use custom translation code for TCL, and need help.Code is:proc translit { str } {set str [string map -nocase {А A Б B В V Г G Д D Е E Ё E Ж J З Z И I Й I К K Л L М M Н N О O П P Р R С S Т T У U Ф F Х H Ц C Ч Ch Ш Sh Щ Sch ...

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