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Forum Posts

Resolved! Packet Tracer

Hi, I'm having a routing issue with part of my packet tracer network.I have resolved the connectivity issues which allows PC0 and PC1 to connect to the webserver. However I'm having an issue with the last part of the network but I have already resolv...


Hi  I've change the outgoing interface from TenGigabitEthernet2/4 to interface vlan 222.  Since then, the IPTV is not working. output of sh ip mroute before change (*,, 15w6d/00:03:19, RP, flags: SIncoming interfa...

 Hi, I have a small query.>Router1-> Router2 -> On router 1 when I try to advertise using the below command I don't see any  packet going out but as soon as I advertise the physical interface(ip) it sends ...

Hi,I accidentally deleted the IOS on a C886 before reloading. Not really a problem, but “no service password-recovery” is configured. Now the router is booting in a loop and I can't get into ROMMON to install a new IOS. BREAK doesn't work either, as ...