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Forum Posts

Good morning all. I am troubleshooting an issue with a switch in our network our Distro Node (SW1) which connects to a Core Node (SW2) through a port-channel is having an issue with one of its interfaces which causes an outage about once a day for an...

Hi,we have a collapse architecture, wherein our core sw 9407 acting as a layer-2 and the gateway is our firewall.we have a requirement to control same vlan traffic to block, is it possible to create a layer-2 ACL or something in the Access layer swit...

Hi Dears I used 2 switch 3850 A and B and dot1q tunneling for trunkingMy network transit operator assign me vlan 100 i used dot1q and Q in Q my latency is okon vlan 1000 and 2000 on servers file transfer is slow icmp is ok i donnot have any policy op...


Hello,we running a couple of 3850 stacks. The switches are connected via Stack wise cable, but no Stack power cable.On one stack I get the following log message:%PLATFORM_STACKPOWER-4-CABLE_B_CURRENT_OUT: Switch 1 stack power cable 2 outward current ...

TF.DE by Level 1
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HelloHello I am attemping to install two cisco 9200 Series . The por 24 is in trunk mode is conecting against other 9200 series ( i dont have acces now to this SW  this SW has a some SWitches on different port the SWitches are no cisco) .there is not...

athan1234 by Level 3
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switch: copy xmodem:cat3k_caa-universalk9.SPA.03.06.10.E.152-2.E10.bin flash:/cat3k_caa-universalk9.SPA.03.06.10.E.152-2.E10/cat3k_caa-universalk9.SPA.03.06.10.E.152-2.E10.binBegin the Xmodem or Xmodem-1K transfer now...Cflash:/cat3k_caa-universalk9....

Hello,We need to upgrade a WS-C4500X-32 to the latest version: 03.11.07.E.152-7.E7Current Version 03.08.07.ECurrent rommon version: ROM: 15.0(1r)SG10We do not plan to use VSS.Do we need to upgrade the rommon too? Thank you very much.

Hi All,I have 2 4506-E running in VSS config. They been up for multiple years without any issues. Out of nowhere one of the enclosures stopped processing IPs for devices that are plugged in into line card. I can list MAC addresses and i see number of...

toolshed1 by Level 1
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Hi, I need to replace WS-X45-SUP7-E with  WS-X45-SUP8-E in C4507.  There is only a single sup in C4507.  I wanted to minimise the downtime. I was thinking if i could slot it the WS-X45-SUP8-E in slot 4 and failover to become active.   Is that possibl...

Hi all, I have a log message that i want to supress, from the buffer, console, monitor and from being sent to our syslog collector, this is the log; 2015 Nov 9 14:29:14.389 Core-MAX-EMP-9372PX-01 %VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from vty by ...

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