Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎10-31-2007

User Statistics

  • 279 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 56 Helpful votes Given
  • 38 Helpful votes Received
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User Activity

Dear Networkers,We have a CUCM v10 cluster installed. We're using Cisco 7821 and Cisco 7841 IP Phones. we're using autoregistration, and every user is loggin in using extension Mobility.Auto registration DNs : 95XXXDevice Profiles DNs : 2XXXWe have a...
Dear team, We have CUCM cluster v 10 deployed.Below is the architecture :SIP Trunk Provider ------ Telco CPE <-------SIP ------> CUBE (Cisco 2901) <----------SIP TRUNK <-----------> CUCMCurrently when making a call from or to a PSTN Number, and put t...
Dear Networkers, We do have TMS 14.4.1 installed using SQL Express on a Windows 2008 Server.Then, we installed Cisco TMSPE 1.2 for smart shceduling on the same server using the same SQL Express instance.No error message displayed when installing TMSP...
Dear Networkers,We have a CUCM 8.5(1) cluster (1 PUB + 2 Subscribers). We're using CIPCs only (Internal DNs 1XXX). we have an AS5350-XM [ IOS 15.1(1)T2 ] Voice Gateway with isdn links to the PSTN. We're using a very basic configuration.we have the fo...
Dear Netowrkers,We do have CAD 8.5installed in an UCCE 8.5 environment.While opening Cisco Supervisor Desktop, we can see from the service status TAB the Inservice status : inervice, while the Barge/intercept is inactive.we couldn't know the root cau...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-31-2007 04:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-24-2023 03:46 AM
Posts 279
Total Helpful Votes Received 38