Member since ‎04-11-2006

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I have UCCE/CVP 12.6.1  lab system for teaching classes with CVP, OAMPServer, ReportingServer & CCB Servlet, and IIS MediaServer all on the same VM. My CCB Servlet won't start up. It's worked in the past (I rollback to VM snapshots for class each wee...
Hi,Has anyone gotten VVB 12.6.1 to work with Google Speech to text or the Dialogflow Intent element?I have it working with the Dialogflow element, but it fails for Transcription and DF Intent. They're coming back with null pointer exceptions on the V...
Hi,I'm trying to export audio recordings from audacity to use with CVP.  I hear silence when I call into them.I recorded as 8000khz, 16-bit PCM (also tried 32bit float), Mono.Export:  Save as type: Other uncompressedHeader: WAVEX (Microsoft) - I'd be...
Customer needs to display the Call variables in Korean on the Finesse screen. Is it possible to do so? If so, what's required?
I think I've figured out how to compile CVP Java projects in Call Studio 12.5 using Java 1.8:1.In Studio 12.5, select the Window menu at the top and go to: Window > Preferences.2.In the left pane, expand Java, select "Installed JREs"3.In the "Install...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-11-2006 11:59 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-09-2024 08:26 AM
Posts 905
Total Helpful Votes Received 820
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Community Spotlight Award
English Community, Developer of the Month, January 2020
Community Spotlight Award
English Community, Developer of the Month, February 2021
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