When I use AXL getPhone and look at the VendorConfig section the values don't make much sense in terms of: 1. I was unable to map 0/1 to enable/disabled in the UI. It's inconsistent - (referring to the screenshot attached) For example:PC Port GUI - E...
When I use AXL getPhone and look at the VendorConfig section the values don't make much sense in terms of: 1. I was unable to map 0/1 to enable/disabled in the UI. It's inconsistent - (referring to the screenshot attached) For example:PC Port GUI - E...
Hello,We would like to have the option to get licensing information from SSM via API.I've seen in some slides that this should be available but I wasn't able to find any documentation on it. Does anyone know if it's available and where can I find som...
Seems like I opened it in the wrong section. Moved to the Dev section forums here:https://community.cisco.com/t5/management/vendorconfig-section-presents-inconsistent-information/m-p/4608815#M3885Thanks.