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Cisco CyberSecurity


Forum Posts

Hello i need some assistance, i am unable to connect to ASA 5510 console... the display is blank.I was uploading an ios in rammon then after it was successful,i lost my console connection despite the fact that it works on other switches and routers.K...

hi!I have working config for 2003 server:aaa-server DC1 protocol ldapaaa-server DC1 (inside) host ldap-base-dn DC=KIEV,DC=CC ldap-scope subtree ldap-naming-attribute sAMAccountName ldap-login-password * ldap-login-dn CN=ASA_LDAP,OU=aides,...

fb_webuser by Level 6
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Hi to all, i have three interfaces on ASA:INSIDE (172.16.x.x headquaters)OUTSIDE (192.168.20 - 40.x - Anyconnect SSL and S2S NAT-T IPsec certificate)VPNINET (192.168.1 - 15.x - S2S IPsec with static IP) Anyconnect client cannot reach S2S NAT-T IPsec ...

becfip by Level 1
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Hi,I am looking to configure a site to site VPN connection between two ASA firewalls.On one of the firewalls, I have the interface IP as, with subnet mask, this is the interface i intend to use for the VPN connection. My...

bmak by Level 1
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We have recently noticed that we are unable to establish a vpn connection via anyconnect mobility client. Says "Could not connect to server. Please verify internet connection and server address". Internet is ok and server address hasn't changed. We d...

We currently have AnyConnect configured and it's working fine.  I need to add a new VPN connection for users and I need to force all traffic for this connection to go through the tunnel for security.  I need to make sure I don't break the existing se...

"Posture Assessment Failed: Hostscan CSD prelogin verification failed." "Connection attempt has failed." Need to access files and the VPN is not working after upgrading macOS, please help asap. Thank you!