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Has anyone configured l2tpv3 using pseudowire configs? Currently configured as:pseudowire-class class42 encapsulation l2tpv3 ip local interface Loopback1 ip pmtu max 1400 ip dfbit setHaven't had a chance to sniff it yet but appears some servers are u...

tgurney by Level 1
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Hello world!I do have the following question: Will a trunk port with allowed vlans  1, 2 and 3 still send BPDUs of vlan 4 ?The switch is a Nexus 5k and it's running pvst+.Normally I woudl think It wouldn't, but im seeing them in wireshark.

Hi to all, i am trying to recall a show command that shows current count of mac addresses in a catalyst switch (IOS). I am not referring to command "show mac address-table) but a command that shows how many MAC addresses are active on FastEthernet 0/...

Ditter by Level 4
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Hi Team,   I have isr router am trying to insert SFP Transceiver on the gi0/0/2 port but interface is not coming up same is showing the amber LED. Interface              IP-Address               OK?  Method Status                Protocol GigabitEther...

Robo123 by Level 1
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Hi guys,   I'm having the issue with a SF302-08MP switch that boots when he receives POE from another switch. Even when he has power from the original power-supply, he still runs on the received POE. When this occurs he doesn't take power from the po...

Hello.. Looking to setup bandwidth restriction for VOIP traffic but not able to create even class-map queueing on nexus 9396 release 6x,  pls help..   Switch9K-2(config)# class-map type queuing class_voip ^% Invalid command at '^' marker.Switch9K-2(c...

Anukalp S by Level 1
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Hello, I created mesh topology to learn/exercise features for exam and among others there is HSRP. HSRP looks to work to fine and do the job as intended. My concern is about frames flooding out of all interfaces. Switch should learn mac address of HS...

adrmru by Level 1
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Anyone have any advice on NTP version to use as I know you can specify? If you have security in mind, should you specify version 4? What is the default on Nexus or Catalyst switches?

 Hello Cisco.   I have some challenging task to accomplish that was assigned to me by my boss and I am pretty new to Networking world.   So, I have Cisco router 4221 with int G0/0/0 (which we use were WAN connection) and G0/0/1 for LAN. I have pool o...

yanacapps by Level 1
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I have several devices located across multiple VLANs and I would like to be able to see said devices in the Windows Network tab. Currently all I am able to see is devices located on the same VLAN as the device I have the network tab open on. Is there...

for the life of me i can not get a consistent result for our remote site switches to handout DHCP addresses for our Avaya 9611 phones.  I have a new location that will not work.  the switch is a   WS-C2960S-48FPD-L, 15.2(2)E5.  Switch settings are:  ...

broow by Level 1
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