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hi i want to ask about ASR 1002 license for LNS router . i want to know how many pppoe session can handle without any licensei mean wts the current  sessions allowed on the current router ??? and wt other options i have to upgrade this router so that...

Dr.X by Level 2
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Hi, I'm wondering why the sh standy output is different in the tracking section... any guess? Both switches are using 12.2(44)SE5 IOS. Node1track 1 interface Vlan301 line-protocolinterface Vlan301 ip address ip helper-addr...

Recently we installed a new Supervisor module in our 4507 R+E chassis. After inserting the module and typing the command copy bootflash: slavebootflash both the modules went to RPR mode, with one module status showing as Active and other new one show...

Hello All,We have this new vlan created in one of our switches.However when checking the stp state for this vlan , it shows:-"Spanning tree instance(s) for vlan does not exist"To note, this vlan is created only on this one switch as of now. There is ...

suthomas1 by Level 6
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I cannot seem to get NLB to setup consistantly.  Sometimes I can get a NLB host to converge with no issues using either unicast or multicast.  But most of the time I can setup another NLB host in the exact same manner and I get "NLB not bound".I use ...

Hi, i have core switch 6509.I need to trace this server A is connected to which port in the Core Switch.I found out that this is the correct way•1. login to core switch•2. “sh ip arp x.x.x.x” where x.x.x.x is the ip address•3. You will get the mac-ad...

Hello - Wondering the stacking modules can be installed on switches already powered up and in operation?For a stack of 3 and 4 switches, does the cabling have to be done in a specific order?If you are creating a stack of 3 standalone prod switches, (...

Hi, is there a procedure to reset a 3850 which does not required to login first? I have a couple of c3850 stacks which do not prompt for login any more. I saw a bug in the tracker related to this but this bug applied to 3.3.0. I have 3.3.5 and 3.6.0 ...

mwiessler by Level 1
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