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Hi,We have PoE modules installed in different Cisco 4506 switches and found the same issue with these PoE cards giving us message as below,%C4K_SWITCHMANAGER-4-S2WERRORREPORT After this message ports of PoE card goes down and IP Phone's gets discon...

hey all, have a very odd issue, every now and again a switch will not be pingable it will drop about 10 pings and then the pings will come back alive, durring this time traffic is not affected at all only the pings, it seems that untill the switch is...

when i upgrade upload a new ios to my 2960g switch,sh flash: shows the new bin file but also shows the old directory of where the bin file sits. can i keep both files and boot from the new bin file? why does the old bin file sit in a directory?do I n...

Dragomir by Level 1
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Hi allAdding a 3750 into an existing stack of 2 x 3750's today and wanted to confirm if i can update the switch after I connect it up.I would have thought that I would just be able to copy from flash1: to flash3: (after making some space) but someone...

We have a switch stack which is a WS-C3750E-24PD  stacked with a WS-C3750G-12S the 3750E switch has the universal ios version 12.2.50(SE3) installed and an ip services license the 3750G switch has ios version 12.2.50(SE3) ipservices.when I stacked th...

jschweng by Level 1
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Resolved! 6509 xenpak

I am working on configuring connection betwen Cisco 6509-E and Nexus 7000 using 2 xenpaks.Nexus 7000 is routing and 6509-E is switching.6509-E has a WS-SUP32-10GE-3B supervisor.I have connect 2 xenpaks and configured as above:interface TenGigabitEthe...

What happens if I run my 6509 with only 1 power cord connected to a 6000 watt power supply?  The manual says the max power output is 2900 watts, but when I actually tried that, the results from show power look the same.  Am I looking at things wrong?

Hi all,I have a pair of N7K's running in vPC mode and I am trying to connect 3 N2K's to each of the N7K via port-channel. I am using N7K-M132XP-12L on each of the N7K. I got all the N2K's came up online and all seems to be running normal at the momen...

dtran by Level 6
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