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Member since ‎07-10-2017

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Hi,Before agent picks up call ringing on finesse desktop it is playing wrong music (Agent state will be in reserved state).  How can we change it?when call is ringing on agent finesse and if he doesn't pick up, it is playing some music. I want to cha...
Hello, I am looking for call Transfer/forward report . We receive call on ip phones/jabber and we sometimes needs to transfer call to other DNs or to PSTN numbers. I am looking for detailed report on call transfers made from ip phones/jabber to other...
Hi,Contact center with uccx and cucm working fine for more than 3 years. I am trying to add new trigger in uccx for new telco operator with SIP Trunk with cucm. Connection all done . I am trying to get call to the same team in uccx for calls from new...
HI, Can we use MATRIX SPARSH VP110 Business IP Phone with CUCM 11.5? if yes, please help me with configuration link. Thanks.
Dear All, I have an alarm in Cisco TelePresence Conductor "All conference bridges either have a status of 'Unusable' or 'Busy out"and not able to make any conference call.  Please help!!
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Member Since ‎07-10-2017 03:09 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-01-2022 02:53 AM
Posts 154
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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