Hello,Could somone help us understand the real difference between SBC support vs TAC support. UC520 is the only product that offers TAC support, while UC540 and UC560 offer SBSC support. What exactly is the differecne between two, does SBSC not have ...
Hello all,I've been spending some time now (many days) trying to repair a UC520 by reading all the posting here. Everything I read here did not help me at this time. As time is critical to me now i really need your help. I need to make a demo for a c...
Hi,I've had a lot of request from customers that want to have a "or hold for operator" option in their autoattendant. This is a dealbreaker for many customers that has responsibilities to their customers to always be available i.e hospitals, medical ...
Looking for recommended hardware and software companents as applicable to set up 2 remote home work sites to utilize 7960 phones. Customer is open to purchasing other phones if it will improve quality and simplify. users have existing dsl or cabl...
I am having a problem trying to setup separate VLAN's for the voice and PC on a 504G (firmware 7.4.4) connected to a Cisco SLM248P switch (firmware Basically with VLAN's turned off the phone receives its IP and configuration via DHCP witho...
I've had a few users mistakenly activate call forwarding on their phone to:a) a number that is not valid (too few digits for an internal or external call, extension doesn't exist)b) forward their phone to a valid external number but to a destination ...
I have had a problem with a 942 sending and INVITE request and stripping out the "Proxy-Authorization". Just wondering if anyone has seen this before.After the Max-Forwards: is sent it should send;Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="0000",realm="xx...
After installing the latest firmware 7.4.4 for a SPA525G the streaming of a cisco web cam (PVC2300) fails! With firmware 7.4.3 everthing works as described in the documentation. On the phone webpage for the web cam entrys the password textfield is mi...
I have few problems with UC520 which needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Anybody's help would be much appreciated.1- When we save the number in the directory, Upon dialing or recieving the number, name is not displayed.2- We configured paging t...
Voicemail Issue (message are not being saved in the mailbox)HiI am having problems with voicemail in a new UC520.Phones connected to the UC520 are able to call to PSTN and Local extensions but they are not able to leave a voice mail.Let me clarify th...
About 15% of the calls that my UC540 transfers to my cell phone via SNR have little to no volume. Has anyone else experienced this? What can I do about this? It is really annoying and isn't good for business.
My partner continues to have VPN issue to the CUE via a browser or pinging the CUE address. As a remote user they can gain access to their internal network, they can surf the Internet (split tunnel) but they cannot get to CUE. This worked fine on...
I loaded a company logo into the UC500 flash & got it to show up on a 7945 display but it did not look good. I went back & revised the .png. Then I copied it to the UC500's flash, overwriting the original image. But now I can't get the new image to s...
UC560 Decibel LevelCan anyone comment on what the decibel level of the UC560-T1E1-K9 is?This info was not found in the data sheet.My customer has a network closet close to their office and wants to know specifically how loud this equipment will be.
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