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Cisco CyberSecurity


Forum Posts

I am trying to set up a Hardware Client to the 3000 from the Pix 501, using the Easy VPN option. SInce the users can only get Cable Modem with dynamic IP addresses, this is my only option.I have a couple of Lan to Lan and Client connections currently...

rbostwick by Level 1
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Has anyone used OSPF on a VPN 3060 Concentrator? It seems like it is not a full blown version of OSPF and is only used for the tunneled connections (correct?). Basically, I am looking for how OSPF is implemented on this device...the documentation m...

Are there any known issues with using the 4.0 client to connect to a 3000 concentrator version 3.6.7? I would like to start migrating my users to the new client, but are not quite ready to upgrade the concentrators code to 4.0.Thanks.

Ben.Levin by Level 1
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Hi, I would like to know whether we can configure pix for vpn dialup without des / 3des.. I tried with ah in transform-set. But when i tried to connect , my vpn client hung in security association. doesnt go fruther. Thanks in advanceSajin

sajin by Level 1
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Hello everyone,In the company I work for we have two Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrators. They're running the same code level 3.6.7 and have the exact same configuration. I confirmed this by logging on to both boxes and checked every single option one by on...

ctinajero by Level 1
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Hi,Sorry for the long post.I have a Cisco 831 router which I am trying to configure so that NT/2k/xp clients can VPN in using the built-in VPN client. The following config works using a pre-shared key but does not when using certificates. A 2000 serv...

paul by Level 1
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I have tunnel established between two sites. The both have PIX501 running version 6.2.2. Lets name the PIXs A and B.Everything works fine, but if, for example) PIX A reboots( due to a power failure for example), after PIX A reboots, I am unable to r...

I want to setup my main site to connect to all child site slocated on the internet through VPN tunnels. I have about 60 child sites, and thier circuit speed range from 128K to a Full T-1. My main site conection to the internet in a T-1. I want set...

oufyaba by Level 1
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I want to setup my main site to connect to all child site slocated on the internet through VPN tunnels. I have about 60 child sites, and thier circuit speed range from 128K to a Full T-1. My main site conection to the internet in a T-1. I want set...

oufyaba by Level 1
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