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Hi, need help configuration WAP4410n.I configure 1 wap4410n mode access point, is okI place 6 wap4410n in building as wireless repeater.I can not configure the right sequence.How do I set up 6 repeaters with access point ?Thanks
I erratically uploaded a wrong Firmware into my new WAP351 (image 'WAP321_1.0.6.5.tar' instead of 'WAP351_WAP131_1.0.2.8.tar').
Now the device shows blue light, which means no error, but doesn't response at all. The manual says, that there is a backu...
I found that upgrading the firmware of a WAP4410N from to prevents many ARP packets for devices attached to the WAP from beingdelivered, and hence replied to, causing occasional network hangs for wireless devices. I have confirmed ...
I have a Cisco WAP351 that I have configured with the following
VLAN1 SSID: network
VLAN20 SSID: guest
Vlan1: untagged
VLAN20: Tagged
Vlan1: network
Vlan20: Guest
Vlan100: Trunk
(switch is configured in the following manner)
VLAN100 (trunk ...
I have 2 WAP4410N router (latest firmware installed) that I would like to use to extend my WLAN to a another physical building so the client can have WIFI in the building.
Looking at the WAP4410N manual (p.43) under AP section, I assumed that I n...
We have a WAP561 version and have about 6 MAC addresses set to "block". Yet, when I look at the associated devices it shows that the are still connected and sending and receiving packet. Why is this so difficult to do and why isnt' there a wa...
I have configured 5 APs in cluster mode, in one of the APs WLAN light is Off.
Though we checked that it's broadcasting the signals and clients are connecting to the AP, but still WLAN light is OFF.
I would appreciate any help resolving the same.
Hooked up a new WAP571E and cannot log into or ping it using the IP address shown in the leased client list in the router, the LED is solid green. I have tried a factory reset but to no avail, I have tried a new Ethernet cable, different port on the ...
I am working on a hotel wifi system and need to find a way to route all wifi connections to the companies access landing page, or captive portal. How can I configure a router to send traffic to the server ip address? (currently using a Cisco RV...
I have three WAP371 access point configured as a cluster using single point setup. The access point are using PoE. In the old configuration, there were two wireless networks, one untagged on VLAN1 and another tagged on VLAN20. There was no sp...
Good afternoon All,
According to the Administartion Guide , WAP150 supports up to four VAPs.
I have added three VAPs: 2(2,4GHz) and 1(5GHz) and in this scenario everything works fine.
However,I have tried to create three VAPs of 2,4GHz and one VAP(5...
Hello,I connected an external 12dBi omni-directional antenna for Networks 2.4 Ghz (TL-ANT2412D) with LMR-400 cable 5M but my antenna "emits" nothing, I have no signal. With the two supplied antennas with WAP200 I signal but does not cover any desired...
Hi,I have purchased two WAP200 units to act as access point and repeater.AP and repeater functionality works fine.The issue I am having is extremely poor signal from both units. Even when very close to the WAP200, I get poor signal quality. The range...
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