Call Control

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Hi, I was under the impression that the x-refci value was the call-id, however this does not match the value of ciscoCall.getCallID().getGlobalCallID() How do I match the jtapi call events with the recording? As an example, I got 28594060 for the x-r...

pedrop by Level 1
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Hi, all   I am newbie in the devnet world.   I am finding some codes using suds and zeep to connect via AXL to the CUCM. There is any advantage to use suds or zeep or in end of the day, the result is exactly the same?   Best Regards

Hi , I am using JTAPI for the first time and i have installed CiscoJtapiClient 8.5 on my local machine When i am trying to run the makecall functionality from my local machine i am getting the following error. TraceModule: couldn't create LogFileOutp...

Hello experts,   are there any IMP developer guides for 11.5 version?    I found these but they stop at version 10.5.2.   Thank you.

radrabik by Cisco Employee
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Log Snippet:2019-02-07 14:24:47,901 | TRACE | 21 |  |  | UnitManager | EventHandler_OnSessionMsgSentReceiveEvent - Session: 620066288 - Message:BYE sip:1234567@172.3x.3x.1xx:5060;transport=TCP SIP/2.0From: "Agent1"<sip:21554@10.xx.0.6;x-nearend;x-ref...