this circuit cannot get ip , what happened? RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:TYCK-601#show subscriber session filter access-interface bundle-ether 10102.1146 detail Mon Aug 25 18:22:30.192 TaipeiInterface: NoneCircuit ID: TYCK-601 bundle-e...
HIi,I am trying to design a policing strategy/implementation for circuits we provide as a Service Provider, be it internet circuits or EoMPLS circuits (in the future I will have the requirement to do the same for VPLS and L3 IPVPN circuits).All of th...
Hello, I am trying to TURBOBOOT from a usb on the CRS16 PRP cards but have been unsuccessful. I have read all the installation guides and follow it verbatim and still come up short. ALl the pre requirements for the upgrade have been met. My ROMMMON...
Hello everyone,I have a question regarding integrating of Arbor Peakflow SP TMS into CRS-3. I need to know what are the exact requirements for Arbor TMS integration, I mean, Is CGSE-PLUS module mandatory for this scenario to work and what the mandato...
I have to configure static NAT (1IP to 1 IP NAT44) in default vrf. I don't want to buy ISM/VSM and licence CGv6The traffic will be very low (maximum 10000 session per second). I don't want to place a new router. ARS9k has 4.2.1 frimware version.Can ...
Hi All, I am having problem with Cisco IOS XRv; when I am trying to use the demo version of this IOS with Virtual Box and GNS3, it loads and I wait for 1 or 2 minutes and I get the message CONFIGURATION COMPLETED but I do not see any REAL interfaces ...
I have an MVPN that spans an ASR9K and ME3600s, using the Draft Rosen style with default and data MDTs and GRE tunneling. Routing wise everything appears to be working fine. The P and C multicast routing tables appear to be fine, and data MDTs are ...
Hi everyone,I am a system engineer from China.I just want to ask some IOS XR questions as the following, hope someone can help me.The customer use "traceroute" could know how many devices in our network.I want to block these traceroutes response fro...
hi everyone,
in a policy map - when you configure your classes - ex
class 1
bandwidth percent 25
class 2
bandwidth percent 25
class 3
bandwidth percent 25
class 4
bandwidth percent 25
- will this negate p2mdrr or mddr? ie. have I configured the ...
Hi Everyone,Trying to send out aggregates to upstream ISP to summarise longer prefixes i.e. /24 to summarise /27-29. I have bgp aggregates configured;router bgp 17477 bgp router-id bgp log neighbor changes detail address-family ipv4 uni...
Hi everyone,I'm running IOS-XR 5.1.1 in a ASR9001. I have QoS policies, that remark cos values, applied to some interfaces. One example might be the following:policy-map User_Egress_5Mbps_128Kbps_child class Internal_Voice priority level 1 police ...
Hi guys, A want to know how can configure a NAT statics on the ASR9000, the ASR have de IOS-XR 4.3.4 and the configuration is the next:hw-module service cgn location 0/4/CPU0!interface ServiceInfra 1ipv4 address
Hi guys, A want to know how can configure a NAT statics on the ASR9000, the ASR have de IOS-XR 4.3.4 and the configuration is the next:hw-module service cgn location 0/4/CPU0!interface ServiceInfra 1ipv4 address