Audio and Video Endpoints

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Please note that Remote Expert Mobile announced end-of-life and support will end on February 28, 2022.

Forum Posts

Hello guys,I have created an application using Jabber SDK for audio call from client to partner. Now there is a requirement for IVRS where user will be asked for entering 1 or 2,3, etc.Like 1 for call to tool operator.2 for service operator3 to finis...

sunilk by Level 1
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Hello,I would like to know if we can use Jabber events (for example OnTelephonyConversationStateChanged) with angular2 and how?I tried to write a function but it doesn't work :OnTelephonyConversationStateChanged(json:any):void{     //do something}Wit...

I need to connect to jabber client application to enable call accept/reject from a web application.Can anyone guide to do the same using web sdk.Tried sample code available from internet. But the cwic.LoginController.setCUCMServers() itself throws a ...

Hi,I'm looking to build an integration with Unity, and have spent the last day reading over API documentation. I'm not finding exactly what I'm looking for, so I thought I'd float the question to the community.Given a specific mailbox, I'd like to be...

ssaimo by Level 1
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Hello i am attempting to submitted data by by using POST instead of PUT. however CUC is coming back with the following error.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ErrorDetails><errors><code>DATA_EXCEPTION</code><message>Missing para...

Hello all, Is it posible to do a Subscriber list query using contains to match extensions? I am able to use "/vmrest/users" to list all of the users in the systems however I have not been able to successfully run a query using any "?query=". Can some...

Hi, i am trying to fetch SSO token by using and provided ...

prmeshra by Level 1
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Resolved! REMNFR licences

    Hi all,on CCW tool I found I need to buy at least 5 rem licences 2400$ each. are there any lab (NFR/NPS) licenses I can order?are there any specific SKUs  to add rem to an HCS-CC deployment?thanks in advance,Massimiliano