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Hello everyone,I have a Problem with my Script in PHP.I will update callforward with API.It runs put the Calling Search Space will delete imideatly by running the PHP Skript. I´ve tryed many constalations in my script but nothings run correct.?php re...

Hello! I am pretty new to AXL so don't bust me up too much :-)I am using the toolkit provided from our CM instance to generate a SOAP request. I am getting a java exception back and can't seem to locate the issue.2016-04-19 13:38:04,212 INFO  [http-b...

I'm reading the developer guide for PAWS.My first issue was trying to get the getAPIVersion call to work.  I'm using SOAPUI.I imported the WSDL into SOAPUI, based on the WSDL content... towards the bottom<wsdl:service name="APIVersionService"><wsdl:p...

Hi,We are using Cisco Mediasense for video call recording . We configured SFTP server location on MediaSense Archive Configuration page to archive recordings periodically . It was archiving calls for some days, but then it stopped ar...

Hi i have a problem using C# for querying CUCM, i got an error:System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (599).   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()Here is my code:HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(@"h...

HiThere is an AddAnnouncement in AXL Documentation.But how can i upload the File with this announcement?There is a Element of type "announcementFile" but it is just a string.I could not find any hint in the reference on how to upload my wav-File.Gree...

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