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Resolved! >paosti<ts bgp?

whati is bgp postit mean  RP/0/0/CPU0:router# show bgp neighbors nsr standbyBGP neighbor is state = Established, up for 5d04hNSR state = NSR Ready>>>>Outstanding Postit<<<s: 0BGP neighbor is state = Established, up for 05:19:...

fly by Level 2
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Dear team,i have cisco 2900 series router and i have a sucessfully configured NAT which routes all my internal users from the 10.*.*.*.* private LAN address to the internet. i have one public IP. The NAT is confiugred the usual way. NOW, What I want ...

SENALEX by Level 1
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Hello, I have a bundled T1 circuit that keeps bouncing.. I was hoping to narrow it down a further by determining if I am facing a hardware issue, or if this is more service provider related. Any input on this is appreciated. Here is the output from t...

David A. by Level 1
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Hello everybody, I'm studying to take the CCNP ROUTE and I have the following question: what are the differences between ospf area range and summary-address? I read on this blog:


Good morning team, I'm upgrading the IOS on my 3945 this morning, and I think I accidentally deleted something I wasn't supposed to. Now I was able to do recovery via ROMMON and the tftpdnld -r command and get the upgraded image loaded into the route...

RBM01991 by Level 1
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Hey guys,I was looking at Cisco’s licenses for the NCS5k and it's kinda confusing the NSC has a license for IP/MPLS which is XR-NC50-PK9-06.05 (Cisco IOS XR IP/MPLS Core Software 3DES), another two licenses for L2 and L3 VPN features could anyone tel...

omera by Level 1
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Hi all, we are looking for replace our Mikrotik routers to something more rock solid.We are running Routing, NAT, Traffic Shaping and firewalling (or static ARP), DHCP and PPPoE concentrator on mikrotiks now. Is there any cisco HW based solution that...

NW Diagramfrom PC i can ping ISP on loop back via site A, but when iShutdown F0/1 of SITE-A , i cannot ping ISP from PCs.Actually i want to switch traffic to SITE-B , if SITE-A's link is down.PCs can ping SITE-B ip Address but can...

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