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Hi GuysPlease find the attached topologyI have two router names R1 and R2I am running OSPF b/w SW1 and R1OSPF b/w SW2 and R2iBGP b/w R1 and R2HSRP b/w R1 and R2 ---- Firewall points to HSRP VIP and redundancy is achievedIn case Router R1 fails , SW1 ...

a91249124 by Level 1
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Hello,I have this Visio or jpeg attachment for you and I have   one question about it:Let's pretend that we have a usual site or so called production site with all its ip addresses and fortinet FW and hostname and so on. In the moment of a failure I ...

What I have;     Cisco 3750G fiber ports teamed using etherchannel, to dual Bridgewave radio paths, to Nexus 7000 fiber ports. The etherchannel is set up on the 3750G and the Nexus, the traffic just passes through the Bridgewave radios which have a m...

kademi by Level 1
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I have a WS-X6748-GE-TX with the WS-F6700-CFC daughter card. Is it possible to replace the WS-F6700-CFC daughter card with a WS-F6K-DFC4-AXL to make this compatible with the SUP-2T? Or, are there differences between the CFC and DFC base modules?Thank...

hashknife by Level 1
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Hi i wanted to know what routers and switches i should use, for connecting 3 schools togther. The boys high school has 3 labs with 20 computers, the other high school has also the same amount and the primary school has 1 lab with 20 computer. The sch...

We have a core 6509 routers and 3750 edge switches. We are getting this error of the 3750 occasional:%SPANTREE-2-LOOPGUARD_BLOCK: Loop guard blocking port Port-channel2 on VLAN0007%SPANTREE-2-LOOPGUARD_UNBLOCK: Loop guard unblocking port Port-channel...

Hi everyone,I need to configure 5 public servers in my LAN. The IP Private addres are:,, and My ISP give me 5 public IP´s interface configuration on cisco 2901 are:Inside: 192.168...

Hi,Are there issues with the auto upgrade feature for 3750X stacks, either historically or currently? Some people prefer to upgrade switch stacks manually by disconnectiong the stack cables and uprading code on each switch.  I've done the manual proc...

lcaruso by Level 6
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There is an arp entry..But no port for the cooresponding MAC address?#sho ip arp Protocol  Address          Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Type   InterfaceInternet             4   001d.45e2.8d43  ARPA   Vlan200Rack20-L3-3750-12#s...

mikegrous by Level 3
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hello, im new to ccna .please any expert help me in this sinario,router 1721 with one wic-1adsl ,i have adsl conection with irb static ip.the router connect with mannaged switch through a trunk port.the switch has 2 vlans one for the static IPs and t...

hmagdy088 by Level 1
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I have 4507 switch and I got the error of fan sensor which is mention belowPower                                                                                    Fan             InlineSupply  Model No                     Type                    St...

hi,I have cisco 3825 as perimter router (facing ISP), i have 64 MB/S line speed and i want to increase it to 128 MB/S, does this router support this functionallity, is there any recomandations .thanks                 

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