Voice Systems and Accessories - Small Business

Upgrade your communication system with our Voice Systems and Accessories, perfect for small businesses.
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Forum Posts

Hi,I am setting up a night service for a client based on system time schedule, what the customer asked me if I can set the system to forward all call to an external number between 3PM and 6PM, and after 6PM all calls goes to Reception VM,The schedule...

Hi there,I'm enjoying setting up my new UC320W, except for one thing: voicemail to email is driving me crazy. I've tried gmail, Hotmal and 1and1 mail, with and without SSL/TLS, with ports 25 and 587, and I keep getting SMTP authentication failures. R...

Hi, I am having very poor voice quality on both FXO lines. I have tried using the impedance matching tool with no success. I actually have run the tool three times in a row with the same call test number and have gotten different results each time. E...