Hi Team,I have developed a conference application.It takes list of phone numbers as the input and creates conference using the CTI Port.but if user passes the voice mail number in the phone number list, Voice mail is adding automatically in the confe...
Hi,I have been playing with TAPI and have been able to get Call Events to be seen by my application (Ring, answer, hold, etc). But when i use the LineDevSpecific function with the void* to CCiscoLineDevSpecificCTIPortThirdPartyMonitor and then liste...
Hi,We are currently using the ciscoTerminalConnection -> startRecording function to fork a media stream and start a recording to MediaSense through CUCM. This is all working as expected, and recordings are coming through fine.However, I'm struggling...
Hi All,We need to pass some informations from our UCCX 8.5SU3/CUCM 8.6.2a to our Asterisk Server.This two PBX are connected by a trunk sip.Is it possible to do it?I've read about sip header,but i've never work on it.Scenario is : Call received from ...
Hi Everyone,I have recently been developing with UCCX-CTI because it provided more information about both Agents and Queues. But i have recently hit a snag where i cannot get any Call Event information on a Route Point. So i need to know if is it pos...
I see that the GSAPI allows the ability to fork media from a CUBE router via the XCC Provider RequestXccCallMediaForking operation. The relevant information in the sample shows this: <RequestXccCallMediaForking xmlns="http://www.cisco.com/schema/cis...
Hello! It appears that CUCM does not support Subscribe/Notify (RFC 4235) for Third-Party Endpoints (or at all?). Are there any other similar protocols that are implemented that could be used to monitor the In-Use state of other phones? (i.e. a means ...
I need to create an app which will allow Supervisors to Monitor/Coach Agents on CISCO IP phone from server. The app will be in C#. I have tried using ATAPI wrapper, but it can't detect active call in the server. Please let me know what configuration ...
Is there a download of the Cisco JTAPI installation so I can compile the Cicso java example?I also need the CTACtrl C++ class that is referred to but is not shown. ThanksGary
Looked at the Risport selectCmDevice API example but was unsure if this is what I need.What is the correct way to "receive" off-hook events?UCM 9.xThanksGary
Is there any way to forward an incoming call to an external number without tying up 2 lines for the duration of the call? The lines are all analog and PRI Centrex lines. Their current PBX system does this using a flash button the operator's console. ...