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Hi All,I really want a sanity check as to if I ma going about my issue the right way.At my HQ I have a MPLS connection to a SP. My remote sites have limited bandwidth. I want to create separate classes for each sites which average to certain speed. ...

I'm curious about best practices regarding the usage of route-maps or prefix-list in the bgp config.Some examples i've seen apply a prefix-list directly to a neighbor, others use a route-map.I can't tell if there is a benefit one way or another.Examp...

jcw009 by Level 1
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We have a client that is finding a need to limit the users at a remote location from pulling too much bandwidth across their WAN link. The remote site has about 120 users, all DHCP. They want to be able to limit a user from using more than, for exm...

ereinoehl by Level 1
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is it possible on an ISR (e.g CISCO1841) to have a full copy of all packets received on an interface, for instance in debug mode - I have been told one could get only the headers, is it true - ( that one can only get the packet headers ) ? Furthermor...

awoog by Level 1
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Hi therehere is the scenario. My customer is currently moving its head office location to a temporary one to refurbish the existing building. We need to move all servers etc to this new location in a timely fashion without disruption. we have four VL...

a.gooding by Level 5
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Good morning,I will first preface this by saying that my Cisco skills are a bit rusty. While I have a CCNA, that was earned about three years ago and I've only had to use it sparingly since then; a testament to the quality of the product I suppose.A...

jlf000175 by Level 1
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I am building a home lab. I have 4 2620 routers and 4 3550 switches. My question is can I use one of this routers to access the other routers and switches rather that moving the console cable every time I access the other devices? Also can one of...

Has any one got any extra information regarding ip sla monitor. Im having prblms understanding how to apply access list and route map. I have read the pdf on Reliable Static Routing Backup UsingObject Tracking. Which is my scenario. But something is ...

cm by Level 1
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I have a network, OSPF is the protocol, now i want to add one more network in it, but both the networks should be separte from each other, there is no more availabe physical iterfaces are on my devices. Can i meet my requirement..??

I using 2 seperate router for 2 external connection and this is connected to one router which is connected to my LAN using firewall. The external link is MPLS and i am using OSPF.The first external connecting is configured as area 0 and second is ar...

drnteam by Level 1
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